City Centre Evening and Night-time survey

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This survey is part of a conversation around the Evening and Night- time economy in Hull City Centre. We want to promote a city centre where people feel safe and are safe.

In order to do this, we want to hear from you to understand your views and experiences during the evening and night-time in Hull city centre.

Sharing your thoughts and views will enable us to work together to create a safer, and more vibrant evening and night-time economy for those who live, work, visit or study in Hull.

The project has been commissioned and will be led by the Hull City Council Public Heath Team in partnership with members of the Serious Violence Duty - Evening and Night Time Economy (ENTE) strategic sub-group. In the context of the local Serious Violence Prevention Strategy for Hull, the ENTE strategic sub-group has been created to deliver strategic objectives of priority four: Evening and Night-time Economy. One of the aims of the multi-agency delivery plan is to promote a vibrant city where people feel safe and are safe, and its main outcome is to increase feelings of safety when living, visiting or working within the ENTE.

This survey will finish on 30 September 2024.

This survey is part of a conversation around the Evening and Night- time economy in Hull City Centre. We want to promote a city centre where people feel safe and are safe.

In order to do this, we want to hear from you to understand your views and experiences during the evening and night-time in Hull city centre.

Sharing your thoughts and views will enable us to work together to create a safer, and more vibrant evening and night-time economy for those who live, work, visit or study in Hull.

The project has been commissioned and will be led by the Hull City Council Public Heath Team in partnership with members of the Serious Violence Duty - Evening and Night Time Economy (ENTE) strategic sub-group. In the context of the local Serious Violence Prevention Strategy for Hull, the ENTE strategic sub-group has been created to deliver strategic objectives of priority four: Evening and Night-time Economy. One of the aims of the multi-agency delivery plan is to promote a vibrant city where people feel safe and are safe, and its main outcome is to increase feelings of safety when living, visiting or working within the ENTE.

This survey will finish on 30 September 2024.

Page last updated: 09 Sep 2024, 04:09 PM