Greenwich Avenue - Mini Masterplan

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Following consultation between February and April 2024, which reached over 900 respondents, and detailed conversations with key stakeholders, a plan for the Greenwich Avenue area has been prepared and is summarised on the plan hosted on this page. The plan proposes a wide range of exciting changes for the area, which are designed to respond to local opportunities and overcome the key challenges identified through the consultation. The changes include -

  1. Improved retail shop frontages
  2. Retained car park with improved landscape setting with SUDS
  3. New market square and event space for community gatherings
  4. Space for retail and cafés to spill into community space
  5. Improved public realm through new street furniture, street lighting and planting
  6. New children's play area with natural play features integrated into the landscape
  7. Rerouted road and/or traffic calming measures to allow for safe pedestrian crossing
  8. Improved pedestrian and cycle connectivity between the centre and surrounding housing

We see these changes as the start of a positive journey for Greenwich Avenue, allowing communities to come together and make better use of their local amenities, and prompting consideration of further improvements and developments in the area. As well as making physical improvements to the centre, we will also work with public sector partners to improve and make best use of Greenwich Avenue

We want to hear your views on these plans for change to make sure that they reflect what you have told us, focus on the right things and work for the local area.

Feel free to also contact us at with any questions or comments.

Following consultation between February and April 2024, which reached over 900 respondents, and detailed conversations with key stakeholders, a plan for the Greenwich Avenue area has been prepared and is summarised on the plan hosted on this page. The plan proposes a wide range of exciting changes for the area, which are designed to respond to local opportunities and overcome the key challenges identified through the consultation. The changes include -

  1. Improved retail shop frontages
  2. Retained car park with improved landscape setting with SUDS
  3. New market square and event space for community gatherings
  4. Space for retail and cafés to spill into community space
  5. Improved public realm through new street furniture, street lighting and planting
  6. New children's play area with natural play features integrated into the landscape
  7. Rerouted road and/or traffic calming measures to allow for safe pedestrian crossing
  8. Improved pedestrian and cycle connectivity between the centre and surrounding housing

We see these changes as the start of a positive journey for Greenwich Avenue, allowing communities to come together and make better use of their local amenities, and prompting consideration of further improvements and developments in the area. As well as making physical improvements to the centre, we will also work with public sector partners to improve and make best use of Greenwich Avenue

We want to hear your views on these plans for change to make sure that they reflect what you have told us, focus on the right things and work for the local area.

Feel free to also contact us at with any questions or comments.

Page last updated: 25 Feb 2025, 11:04 AM