Hull’s Big Mental Health Conversation

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This consultation has now closed

Join Hull's Big Mental Health conversation about your mental health and wellbeing

Join Hull’s Big Mental Health conversation - Tell us how you feel.

This survey is part of a conversation about your mental health and wellbeing. The Public Health Team at Hull City Council want to understand more about what we can do as individuals, across communities and as a city to prevent people from experiencing mental ill health.

We want to hear your views on what keeps you feeling good, what might affect your mood, different types of support, and how to make it more readily available.

Providing Feedback

People who live, work or study in Hull will have from Monday 13 May until Monday 24 June to share their thoughts on what can be improved and how we can work together to reduce mental ill health in our city. This information will help us understand what our priorities should be and support the creation of a strategy for Hull, which aims to prevent against some of the things that can make us feel worse.

Feel free to skip any questions you don’t want to answer.

Remember, all of your answers will remain entirely anonymous, and your answers will not be tied to you.

This survey is now closed.

Join Hull's Big Mental Health conversation about your mental health and wellbeing

Join Hull’s Big Mental Health conversation - Tell us how you feel.

This survey is part of a conversation about your mental health and wellbeing. The Public Health Team at Hull City Council want to understand more about what we can do as individuals, across communities and as a city to prevent people from experiencing mental ill health.

We want to hear your views on what keeps you feeling good, what might affect your mood, different types of support, and how to make it more readily available.

Providing Feedback

People who live, work or study in Hull will have from Monday 13 May until Monday 24 June to share their thoughts on what can be improved and how we can work together to reduce mental ill health in our city. This information will help us understand what our priorities should be and support the creation of a strategy for Hull, which aims to prevent against some of the things that can make us feel worse.

Feel free to skip any questions you don’t want to answer.

Remember, all of your answers will remain entirely anonymous, and your answers will not be tied to you.

This survey is now closed.