Hessle Road Conservation Area Public Consultation
This project has concluded.
Hessle Road Conservation Area provides heritage protection for the Victorian and Edward buildings extending from Nos. 172 and 117 to No.472 Hessle Road, and to Gillett Street, on its side.
Designated a Conservation Area in 1994, the Conservation Area has been reviewed on several occasions since its adoption, and its most recent Character Appraisal was published in November 1997. As part of the ongoing re-appraisal of Hull’s Conservation Areas, Hessle Road has been selected as the sixth area to be reviewed and to undergo public consultation.
Public consultation is being undertaken on the following proposals -
- The adoption of a Conservation Area ‘Character Appraisal and Management Plan’
- Nomination for an additional entry onto the Hull Local Heritage List
What is a Conservation Area
A ‘Conservation Area’ is a designated area of special architectural or historic interest relating to the heritage of the City of Hull. Hull City Council currently have 26 designated Conservation Areas. The designation removes certain permitted development rights associated with the demolition and alteration of buildings. It introduces additional requirements for new development for buildings and land located within the boundary of the Conservation Area. It also introduces controls over the felling and pruning of trees. Applications for development within a Conservation Area, and its setting, are assessed by specific heritage policies and legislation.
What is a Character Appraisal
To inform the council of the special interest and reasons why an area is designated as a Conservation Area, it can adopt a ‘Character Appraisal’ document. A character appraisal will include information such as a definition of the special interest of the Conservation Area. It will explain the character of its built and natural environment and will identify key elements such as buildings, open spaces and views. A character appraisal can be prepared as a joint document or separately with a ‘Management Plan’ document.
What is a Management Plan
A Management Plan provides guidance on how development should take place within the Conservation Area. It includes guidance on what features should be retained and how elements such as advertising should be introduced. It can also identify positive and negative trends within a Conservation Area and propose management tools for reversing or promoting such trends.
What is in the new Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan
The new Character Appraisal and Management Plan (CAMP) includes the following elements -
- A definition of the individual elements of special interest of the Conservation Area
- A historic and archaeological assessment of the area
- An assessment of the designated boundary of the area
- A review of the character of the built and natural environment of the area
- The grading of buildings by their contribution towards the special interest of the conservation area
- The identification of positive architectural features which contribute towards the character and appearance in the area
- The identification of retained shop fronts of special interest
- The importance of the setting of the heritage asset
- Positive and negative trends within the area
- Opportunities for further development
- Management guidance for the conservation area
A copy of the Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan is available for download.
What happens when a Character Appraisal and Management Plan is Adopted
Once a Character Appraisal and Management Plan have been agreed they form a ‘material consideration’ in the determination of planning and advertisement control applications. This means that an application for development or alteration to a building within a Conservation Area should be determined in accordance with the Character Appraisal and Management Plan.
What Buildings are Being Added to the Local Heritage List
The Hull Local Heritage List is a record of heritage assets which are of significance to the City Of Hull. The following building is proposed for addition to the Local List -
- 270 Hessle Road (Henry Hird Jewellers), Hull, HU3 3EA
Further information about the local heritage list is on the Council’s website.