West Docklands

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Across March and April 2023, a consultation period was open to the public to discuss potential development opportunities in the West Docklands area to gain an understanding of the public’s preferences. The development opportunities arose in response to a number of key changes in the area, namely the A63 improvements and the vacant ARCO site. The development opportunities discussed during the consultation included a cruise terminal, relocating the ice arena, altering the retail offering and introducing residential uses to the area. The key findings from the consultation period showed support for a more “cautious” approach to development, in that there was support for retaining the ice arena, retail and employment uses, but with the addition of a cruise terminal.

In response to the consultation findings, the “West Docklands Design Brief” was agreed by the council in November 2023. The design brief sets out design principles for intensifying employment uses and improving the appeal and connectivity of the existing ice arena and retail offering through public realm improvements. The brief also sets out design principles for the allocated housing site to the west of Humber Quays. The design brief will act as a ‘material planning consideration’ in determining planning applications in the area, alongside relevant planning policies in the Hull Local Plan. The key messages from the consultation will also be used to inform the local plan update which is currently ongoing.

The brief aims to deliver positive outcomes, including promoting sustainable development and high-quality design and guide regeneration in a coherent direction, and to hold development to the same standards. It wouldn’t have been possible without the people who took part in the consultation period, and we would like to offer our thanks to everyone who took the time to comment.

Across March and April 2023, a consultation period was open to the public to discuss potential development opportunities in the West Docklands area to gain an understanding of the public’s preferences. The development opportunities arose in response to a number of key changes in the area, namely the A63 improvements and the vacant ARCO site. The development opportunities discussed during the consultation included a cruise terminal, relocating the ice arena, altering the retail offering and introducing residential uses to the area. The key findings from the consultation period showed support for a more “cautious” approach to development, in that there was support for retaining the ice arena, retail and employment uses, but with the addition of a cruise terminal.

In response to the consultation findings, the “West Docklands Design Brief” was agreed by the council in November 2023. The design brief sets out design principles for intensifying employment uses and improving the appeal and connectivity of the existing ice arena and retail offering through public realm improvements. The brief also sets out design principles for the allocated housing site to the west of Humber Quays. The design brief will act as a ‘material planning consideration’ in determining planning applications in the area, alongside relevant planning policies in the Hull Local Plan. The key messages from the consultation will also be used to inform the local plan update which is currently ongoing.

The brief aims to deliver positive outcomes, including promoting sustainable development and high-quality design and guide regeneration in a coherent direction, and to hold development to the same standards. It wouldn’t have been possible without the people who took part in the consultation period, and we would like to offer our thanks to everyone who took the time to comment.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This consultation has now closed

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