The below options are the proposed trees and flowers for the memorial gardens. You can leave any comments on these further down the page.
Forget-Me-Not Garden

Option one - Trees - Rowan. Flowers - Bergenia sp, Meadow Rude, Rudbeckia sp. Red and pink mix flowering in Spring to Autumn

Option two - Trees - Cherry. Flowers - Geranium sp, Symphytum 'Album', Aster sp, White mix. Flowering from early Summer to Autumn.

Option three - Trees - Silver Birch. Flowers - Day Lily, Helenium sp, Campanula, Rosemary. Yellow, white, blue mix flowering early Summer to Autumn,
Butterfly Grove
Option one - Herbaceous Planting - Helictotrichon, Alchemilla mollis, Aruncus dioicus, Heuchera, Rudbeckia sp. A blue, yellow, white mix, flowering late Summer.

Option two - Herbaceous planting - Echinacea purpurea, Geranium, Bergenia, Helleborus, Knantia, Persicaria, Sanguisorba. A red and pink mix flowering Spring to Autumn.

Option three - Bulb planting mix - Allium, Anemone, Nerine, Tulip sp. A blue, purple and pink mix.

Option four - Bulb planting mix - Galanthus nivalis, Narcissus sp.