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Proposed Memorial Gardens

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Please tell us which memorial garden you are most interested in?


When the gardens are completed this Summer, if we were to hold a public opening event, would you be interested in attending?

Proposed flowers and trees

The below options are the proposed trees and flowers for the memorial gardens. You can leave any comments on these further down the page.

Forget-Me-Not Garden

Option one - Trees - Rowan. Flowers - Bergenia sp, Meadow Rude, Rudbeckia sp. Red and pink mix flowering in Spring to Autumn

Option two - Trees - Cherry. Flowers - Geranium sp, Symphytum 'Album', Aster sp, White mix. Flowering from early Summer to Autumn.

Option three - Trees - Silver Birch. Flowers - Day Lily, Helenium sp, Campanula, Rosemary. Yellow, white, blue mix flowering early Summer to Autumn, 

Butterfly Grove

Option one - Herbaceous Planting - Helictotrichon, Alchemilla mollis, Aruncus dioicus, Heuchera, Rudbeckia sp. A blue, yellow, white mix, flowering late Summer.

Option two - Herbaceous planting - Echinacea purpurea, Geranium, Bergenia, Helleborus, Knantia, Persicaria, Sanguisorba. A red and pink mix flowering Spring to Autumn.

Option three - Bulb planting mix - Allium, Anemone, Nerine, Tulip sp. A blue, purple and pink mix.

Option four - Bulb planting mix - Galanthus nivalis, Narcissus sp.

Thank you for your comments.

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